Insulin Pump, Tech & Closed Looping

Which leads nicely to my first insulin pump. I started on 20 January 2016 using the Medtronic 640G.
A number of us were started on pumps that day, this incidentally led to my first interaction with other people with diabetes. Afterwards I joined a What's App Pump Group.where we gave each other moral support. 
Unfortunately, I didn't get a CGM. Even after getting my MP involved, I just couldn't meet the criteria. So, I had to use a small meter the Contour Next Link 2.4 that linked directly t

On 27 November 2018 a year after it was announced. I managed to fit the criteria for a Flash glucose monitoring device & I was given a 6-month trial using an Abbott Freestyle Libre. The device is worn on the back of the arm & is scanned into an app where insulin details & carbs could be added. These readings were uploaded to the cloud so that your DSN could access it. Luckily, after my Libre trial I was told, I could continue getting supplies via my GP.  Using Freestyle Libre the technology provides 24/7 monitoring of blood glucose, updated every 5 minutes. Plus it also provided a 'Time in Range' which is a readout of the percentage of time your blood glucose has been in range over a certain period of time.  Together with 'below & above range' readings.  This is more useful day to day than the Hb1Ac readings. 

Libre Flash Sensor

On 11 March 2020, I changed to a Dana RS pump with the view of Looping. Research had shown me that this pump could link with Libre via a NFC / bluetooth conversion device the Miao Miao, making it in effect a CGM which connects to a DIY system via XDrip+, Nightscout to AndroidAPS. After setting it all up on 5th June 2020 I completed my first safety objective in AndroidAPS gradually turning on 'Open Loop' & by the 26 July 2020 had completed all of the 10 objectives which meant that I could run most of the pump features in 'Closed Loop' mode. 

Dana RS Insulin Pump

It even connects to M5 Stack monitor, a device on by nightstand. Which is another DIY self-build connecting by wifi to Nightscout. Showing my current blood glucose reading & its direction of travel. It also shows Insulin & carbs on board, the current basal rate plus the rise or drop of blood glucose since the last reading, which in this case was 3 minutes ago. The alarms slowly increase in volume, but can be muted for a period of time. A clever piece of kit.

My M5 Stack showing my blood glucose readings updated 3 minutes ago 

Libre 2 Reader & Blood Glucose Meter 

In January 2021 Libre 2 was available in UK, it looked identical to the original Libre but the 2 had bluetooth built in.  So I could do away with the Miao Miao.  The 2 versions that I used had served me well & now they went into my Diabetes Tech Collection.
More recently I have changed from Libre 2 to a Dexcom One CGM. I had a trial of Dexcom G6 last year & found it be more accurate for me.  As Dexcom One it is now avaliable free on prescription. I decided to change.  So far so good. 

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In November 2023 the process for me to upgrade my pump starts.  Will I stay with DIY tech or if Hybrid Closed Loop systems get approved by NICE & I qualify will I change? Watch this space.

All text & images © 2022 Martin Scivier & Martin Scivier's Mellitus - Type 1 Diabetes, unless stated otherwise.   All rights reserved
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