Diabetes External Links 

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For DigiBete Diabetes Dictionary  Click Link Below:

AndroidAPS Glossary for Terminology Used. 



#dedoc° is an international community by and for people with diabetes. We believe in the core principles of peer support and the Diabetes Online Community:   

#NothingAboutUsWithoutUs  #WeAreNotWaiting  #PayItForward

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JDRF are committed to eradicating type 1 diabetes. We support everyone living with type 1 diabetes. 

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The Diabetes Index 

This first-of-its-kind index will raise awareness of the burden and unmet need of people living with type 1 diabetes around the world.

JDRF collaborated with key partners and experts around the world to develop the T1D Index, using the results from a global survey of more than 500 endocrinologists and 400 publications to simulate the state of type 1 diabetes globally and at the country level.

The Index uniquely illuminates the human burden of type 1 diabetes by highlighting 'missing people,' which is the number of people who would still be alive today if they had not died early due to complications from type 1 diabetes, and 'healthy years lost,' which represents time lost to ill-health, disability or early death from living with type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes UK's vision is a world where diabetes can do no harm.  

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Diabetes UK Medals

My 50 & 60th Diabetes UK Medals

Over 50 years with T1 Diabetes? Apply for your Diabetes UK Medal.

In recognition of the courage and perseverance of living with diabetes, we award medals to people who have lived with the condition for over 50, 60, 70 or 80 years.

Joslin Diabetes Centre Diabetes Care & Research has been improving the lives of diabetes patients since 1893.  For more information. press Button.

Joslin's Medalist Program

My 50th Joslin Medal

Joslin's Medalist Program began in 1948, when the institution first started awarding medals to people who had been living with diabetes for 25 years. Believing that proper self-management was the key to minimizing long-term complications, the program was the vision of Joslin's founder, Elliott P. Joslin, MD, and served as an incentive for those committed to good, although challenging, diabetes care. As more and more people began living longer, healthier lives with diabetes, Joslin expanded the program. In 1970, the team began awarding a 50-Year Bronze Medal. Then Joslin presented the first 75-Year Medal in 1996 and the first 80-Year Lifetime Achievement Award in May of 2013. The awardees with 25 years of insulin-dependent diabetes are now honored with a certificate.

Join others around the world who are living courageously with diabetes.  We've presented medals internationally to recipients in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, England, Finland, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Celebrate and share your remarkable accomplishment

Receive a letter and award to mark the milestone.

Note: there are no charges or fees to apply for the program, and you do not have to be a Joslin patient.

DigiBete, a place to help young people, families and communities to manage Type 1 Diabetes. DigiBete is a video platform and app, and is a one-stop-shop for young people's diabetes management. It is a social enterprise funded by NHS England with all content clinically approved by the Diabetes Team at Leeds Children's Hospital. We are here for you 24/7 whenever you need us.

All text & images © 2022 Martin Scivier & Martin Scivier's Mellitus - Type 1 Diabetes, unless stated otherwise.   All rights reserved
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